It was an absolute pleasure to judge the breed at SWKA and I would like to express my thanks for the invitation. I must mention the sportsmanship of the exhibitors and the good grace with which all accepted my decisions. Special thanks too for the invite to the wine and cake party after the judging. My thanks also go to my stewards who made my admin work easy.
Overall I think the breed is strong in type without too much variation but I did feel there were some with large feet, some with upright pasterns and a few with overlong loins. In my winners though I was delighted to see all the attributes of the breed exhibited so well.
PD 3 (1)
1st M J & KA Thomas’ Greyflax Blueberry Hill
9 month old well grown youngster of correct breed type. Lovely head enhanced by a dark eye. Correct bite. Balanced angulation all through. Correct topline. Good turn of stifle. Compact well knuckled feet. True mover with a long reach.
2nd Mrs S Baumann’s Packway Loxley Norton
Another good prospect of similar age to the winner. Super head and correct bite. Strong neck leading into good shoulders, good depth to chest. A little upright in pastern. Topline needs to settle. Well bent stifles. At present, more erratic on the move than the winner.
JD 3(0)
1st Owen & Brodie’s Wolfcastle Meredith
14 month old super dark dog who I liked very much. Lovely masculine head with a dark eye. Long strong neck set into well laid shoulder. Good bone. Nice spring of pastern. Arch over loin a little far forward but a strong back with correct length of coupling. Good tail set. Moved well with good reach and drive.
2nd Mrs Minton’s Clanardwood Summer Hawk
16 month old dog with a pleasing head, dark eye and good pigmentation. Correct bite. Adequate angulation at shoulder. A little upright in pastern and a little long in loin. Correct width to hips and good width through the thigh. Moved soundly.
3rd Mrs Merrick’s Clanardwood Sun Seeker
YD (0) entries.
PGD 2(1)
1st Grimshaw’s Greyflax Domino to Jamalison
2 year old dog of super breed type. Correct head. High set ears, dark eyes and correct bite. Head set on a long strong neck. Well laid shoulders. Deep chest and straight forelegs. Good topline with correct length of loin. Powerful hindquarters with width through the thigh and well bent at stifles. Powerful movement exhibiting drive and front extension.
LD 5 (0)
1st Francis, Blatchford & Helps Beardswood Strahan at Peopleton
Attractive 2 year old whose lovely head and typical far away look caught my attention. Dark eye and correct bite. Strong neck , adequate angulation in front assembly. Would like smaller feet. Correct topline and balanced rear angulation. Tail carried well , moved soundly and with purpose around the ring.
2nd Mrs Merrick’s Pedlarspath Secret Star
5 year old dog who was also a typical example of the breed. Nothing was over exaggerated. Lovely head and long neck. Balanced angulation front and rear. Correct topline and length of loin. Good movement.
3rd Grimshaw’s Greyflax The Jazz Singer to Jamalison
Res Lewis’ Luckhurst Nairn.
OD 6 (1)
This was a lovely class and all exhibits were a real credit to their breeders and owners.
1st Finnett & Heathcote’s Ch Hyndsight Desperado
At just over 2 year old this dog caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring and on examination I was not disappointed. Beautiful masculine head enhanced by a lovely dark eye and correct bite. Long strong neck leading into a well laid scapula and well angulated upper arm. Straight bone in forelegs and good spring to pasterns. Correct topline with the prerequisite arch and correct angle to croup. Good turn of stifle and nice low hocks. A joy to watch on the move where he exhibited excellent reach and drive. I was very pleased to award him the DCC and BOB.
2nd McKinnon’s Finlas at Claonaiglen
A year older than the winner but again of good breed type. Lovely head with correct bite. Strong neck. Well angulated in front and balanced behind. Good topline exhibiting the correct ratio of length of ribbing to length of loin. Neat feet. In lovely condition. Moved well. A worthy RCC winner.
3rd Mrs Baumann’s Ch Regalflight Tarloch
Res Dr Helps Beardswood Quinlan
VD (0)
GCD (0)
PB 1(0)
1st Bailey’s Greyflax Lady Sings the Blu’s
Although the only entry in this class I thought this girl was a fine example of the breed illustrating style and elegance. Beautiful head, lovely dark eye, well carried ears and a correct bite. Super front assembly with straight forelegs, deep chest, good topline with a correct arch. Pleasing turn of stifle. Excelled on the move typifying easy and active movement. Well deserved the BP.
JB 4(1)
1st Mckinnon’s Claonaiglen Carron
15 month old bitch, attractive to the eye. Typified by a feminine head with correct bite and well carried ears. Strong arched neck. Adequate angulation front and rear, correct spring to her pasterns. Good topline and underline. Sound movement which won her the class.
2nd Corness’ Celticmoon Silvern Shadow
Another pretty young lady who was feminine all through. Head enhanced by dark eyes, correct bite and well placed ears. Strong neck. A little upright in shoulder. Deep chest. Good body length with correct proportion ribcage to loin. Well angulated in rear. A little erratic on the move.
3rdMinton’s Clanardwood Shirona
YB 2(1)
1st Corness’ Celticmoon Silvern Shadow
She seemed much more settled in this class which showed through in her improved movement.
PGB 8(3)
1st Barrett’s Stranwith Rafaela
This bitch caught my eye as soon as she entered the ring as for me she excels in breed type. Lovely feminine head enhanced by a dark eye, faraway expression, correct bite and neat, correctly carried ears. Strong well muscled neck which leads into an excellent front assembly. Straight forelegs and compact feet. Lovely deep chest with plenty of heart room. Strong topline with correct arch and good loin length. Super balanced rear aqngulation and good width through the hocks. All of this enabled her to move so well and she looked as if she could hunt all day. Well deserved the BCC.
2nd Wragg’s Neroche Jeska
Another quality exhibit. Typical head with all the Standard asks for whilst maintaining femininity. Well made front with balanced angulation in rear. Correct length to body with good topline. Tight feet. Moved well with reach and drive.
3rd Lindsay’s Celticmoon Shadow Magic at Silverthyme NAF
Res Davis’s Marivon Florence
LB 6(2)
1st Bailey’s Greyflax Teenspirit
Quality bitch who at one stage did not want to cooperate fully with her owner. Pleasing outline. Feminine all through. Typical head with correct bite. Scored well in front with lovely deep chest allowing plenty of heartroom. Good topline. Super width through the thigh and hocks. Correct feet. Active movement as requested by the standard.
2nd Wilbraham’s Marivon Fallon
A closely fought contest as this was another bitch of excellent type. Super, feminine head. Well angulated in front with straight forelegs and flat bone. Deep chest. Balanced rear angulation with good width through the hocks. Lost out to the winner on movement.
3rd Qwen, Brody and Cody’s Wolfcastle Greyce
Res Aston’s Ardlancien Eiryn to Balgaled
OB 5(2)
1st Finnett & Heathcote Ch Hyndsight Because The Night
Attractive bitch who is full sister to the dog CC winner and her typical attributes meant she pushed the BCC winner hard. Correct head with good bite. Strong neck and balanced angulation in front and rear. Substantial all through without losing femininity. Well ribbed back with correct length of loin. Well place croup and well bent at stifles. Good width through the hocks. Excellent movement RBCC
2nd Bailey Greyflax Summer Breeze
Another lovely bitch who pushed the winner hard. Super head with a long well muscled neck. Balanced all through. Lovely deep chest. Correct topline and underline. Good width through the hocks. Lovely true movement.
3rd Helps’ Beardswood Quintessence
VB 1(0)
1st Paisey’s Pharcourse Jaz.
I was very pleased to see this lovely girl entered. 7 years of age and in excellent condition. Feminine head with a long neck. Well laid shoulders, correct topline with arched loin. Super hindquarters. Moved soundly but not that enthusiastically.
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